This is the untold story of Rebel Alliance Green Squadron and their X-wing attack on the mighty Death Star. All living beings of the universe recall the tale of the brave Red and Gold Squadrons. Their victory shall never be forgotten. Elusive is the recollection of the courageous women of the Green Squadron. Without them the others may have missed their chance to prove triumphant. They fought bravely that day despite all odds and flew into the mission with fierce determination. Sadly all were extinguished by the lethal TIE fighters. They went into battle with great pride and were honored to give their life to a greater cause. Their efforts were unmatched. No longer have they died in vain! What is more strange about that day was an undeniable feeling. All three members of the brave green squadron could sense something amiss. No one dared acknowledge the sensation. They did not speak of this presence - for they feared it would bring harm to their mission. There was a mysterious dark disturbance in the... "field?" Damn forbidden words. Any who, It was like no other. A power that no one in the galaxy had ever witnessed before...
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