Little Neighbor Dakota Charms Starring Dakota Charms Dakota comes in and almost steps on a bug, only to find out it is actually a little man. After a closer look she realizes that it is neighbor. He has been spying on her and now he figured out a way to shrink down so he can get a better view. Well, I guess it is time for her to give him a little show. Dakota sits him on a stand and removes her shirt and shorts. Now wearing nothing but her cute bra and panties she teases him. Shaking her giantess ass and grabbing her boobs. Next she picks him up and puts him between her tits, squeezing them together. Then she moves him down to her belly button giving him a nice view before she moves him down to her pussy. She knows that he wants her and is having fun with him before she decides what to do with him. Will she step on him, sit her giantess ass on him or will she eat him? Filmed 3rd person
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