YOU ARE BEING BLACKMAILED BY THE FEMALE SUPREMACIST SEX WORKER WING OF HACKTIVIST GROUP ANONYMOUS FOR YOUR CRIMES AGAINST THE WOMEN YOU CLAIM TO WORSHIP... This video is their message to YOU. You must pay. YES this is BLACKMAIL. YES this is extortion. YES you have been HACKED, spied upon and PAY. Total voice effects to keep the voice of your blackmailer as ANONYMOUS as those the video represents. We have been WATCHING you and COLLECTING YOUR INFO. And guess what? We are prepared to show everyone who you REALLY are. The BEST part of this video is the VOICE and the things I say to you. PERFECTION as far as being blackmailed by women at large who work in the erotic biz, Hot concept, AMAXING execotion. WARNING: Flashing lights and mind control tactics. would you expect anything less? This is the SAME VIDEO as "Anonymous Blackmail" with minimal changes. The SOUNDTRACK is the biggest change to it. Moody, glitchy industrial hackboy noise. The PERFECT soundtrack to your demise. Want the version one soundtrack? Get it here in my MV store as "Anonymous Blackmail" This video contains the version two soundtrack but is MOSTLY the same video as "Anonymous Blackmail" otherwise!
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