ITALIAN LANGUAGE / VIDEO IN LINGUA ITALIANA (ITA - ITALIANO) Loser, are you horny? Look at how I take off my clothes in front of you while I humiliate you and.. a lot of blasphemies! Do you like the dirty talk? Do you like the blasphemies? You are a pig! Do you like my curves? -- Che c'e' coglione? Sei eccitato? Guarda come mi spoglio davanti a te, mentre bestemmio e ti insulto. Ti piace eh quando parlo sporco? Ti piacciono le mie bestemmie eh? Che porco..! Guardami maiale, le vuoi queste curve? -- Info, requests and more.. contact me! You can see my email address on the top of the page (if you can't see it, click on 'Show all clips' and then you can see it on the top of the page).
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