Arielle Lane is your stepmom. She shrunk you down and stuck you in a drawer for misbehaving. When she returns home from work, she goes to retrieve you from her dresser, but you aren’t there. She searches briefly before finding you in a pile of her skirts. Arielle is infuriated that you didn’t stay where she put you. She’s disgusted by your obsession with her skirts, and proceeds to berate and humiliate you. She takes your tiny body, and crushes it in her strong grip, wishing to end your very existence. Arielle continues to expose her true feelings about you. You have been the greatest disappointment of her life. She is surprised you didn’t already realize that when she shrunk you down and left you alone for so long. Didn’t you wonder why no one came looking for you? She explains that no one cares about you or your shrunken body. It’s as if you never existed in the first place. The thought of you makes Arielle miserable. She wants you gone. Arielle drops you to the ground, and crushes you with her stilettos, grinding her heel into your teeny pathetic body. She intends to make you an unrecognizable smudge on the bottom of her shoe, easily washed away with little effort. Arielle decides that it would be best to crush you with her feet. She removes her high heels, exposing her pantyhose clad feet. She unsparingly places her foot onto your body, grinding into it, feeling your fragile little lungs struggle to take in air under the sole of her foot. Do you feel weak? Dizzy? Lightheaded? She just wants you to let go; no one wants you here anymore, especially not your mommy. There is no more room for you in Arielle’s life. Despite your teeny tiny stature, your presence is a nuisance. She continues to crush you with her feet until you are nothing but an inconvenient stain on the bottom of her foot.
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