Forever alone but never lonely: To celebrate singles day, let's look back at your lonesome life as you've always been a weirdo - you don't even know if nobody wanted to be your friend, you didn't wanna be anybody's friend or the combination of both, but probably a combination of both. It has carried into your adulthood and you just prefer to keep to yourself and your hand as you stroke your life away to porn and worship of your divine Goddess. You can't be a lonely loser if you're a lonely loser voluntarily and proudly. Not even the best sex can compare to gooning to my clips. Solitude is safe after all, safe from your insecurity, safe from other people's demands, submission is comfortable, as you don't have to control anything, not even your cock. I control you. I control your cock. Stroke yourself deeper into the fortress of solitude. Spend forever alone, devoted to me, and that way, you'll never be lonely. Become a devout thealogist, a loyal worshipper, a selfless slave.
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