Hi! I'm Alyssa. It's so nice to meet you. Your step-mommy asked me to look after you so from now on we will be spending a lot of time together as I'll be babysitting you almost every day. Aww you are such a cute little baby aren't you? How adorable. I'm always every little boy's favourite sitter, you'll see .Don't worry, you're in good hands. Your step-mommy explained EVERYTHING to me. Even though you're 20, you're still in diapers..pampers even. We are going to have so much fun together little baby. Oooh does the little baby want to be tickled? Awww look how cute you are when I tickle you. Ohhhh what is that SMELL? Did little baby po o p oo his diapey? Who's a stinky little boy? Yes you are. Little po o py pants baby. Let me change your smelly diaper sweetie. Hey! Did you really just pe e on me as I'm changing you? What a silly willy you are. Ok there, you go nice and clean. Let me tickle you again my stinky little boy. OMG. Did you really just make another p o o py mess in your diaper? After I JUST changed you? Hehe well don't worry I have a HIGE pack of diapers here. You can be my little po opy pants, I got you covered. Now it's time for baby to have a little nap.
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