With Dakota Charms! You are so hot and I'm sorry that you got dumped, but you have a hot girl like me who desires you. I love your massive dick and how could any girl resist you? It would pound my pussy so hard and I would cum all over your big cock. You're desirable and I want your whole package. I'm craving every inch and the girl who left doesn't deserve your big member. We can have fun and I can replace her so she can have regret leaving you. You are perfect and I want to ride you for hours. I would never sexually reject you! OTHER KEYWORDS- cock tease, cock worship, dirty talking, breakups, rejections, sexual rejections, workout clothes, workout clothing, yoga pants, roleplaying, role playing, fantasy, fantasies, fetish, kink, brunettes, all natural, non-nude, #CockTease #CockWorship #Rejection #SexualRejection #DirtyTalking @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX@gmail.com
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