The Cosmos, The Arrivals, Book 1, Chapter 5, Babs & Tiffany: Dining Room, Backyard Scratch, Bath , Day 1, Section 2, Babs Indulges Tiffany: Observe Janet’s Picture ¶ Babs feels like she has been entrusted to tame a wild horse. {A bucking bronco. No, that’s not right either. Tiffany presents—} ¶ And Tiffany leads, “So did you break Penny and Coco all by yourself? What happened to the person in the Picture just below you?” ¶ {Two questions,} Babs registers. {And should not Tiffany know who this is?} ¶ “She and I defeated Penny and Coco in a Mudwrestling Contest, so now we each Monitor our own House,” Babs provides. ¶ “Interesting.” Tiffany rubs her nostrils with the back of a finger. “Crochet Spiderweb Bikini. Halter and g-string with nipples pokin’ out. And hairage aghast.” Tiffany touches her own red hairage. “I’ll show it all too.” ¶ BB huffs, “Excuse me, but that g-string runs right up the crack of her big fat jaxy, except you can’t see it hanging out behind in this Picture.” ¶ Tiffany glides, “She’s pretty committed to areolage, hairage, and buttage. 24x7. She’s pretty vulgar.” ¶ Tiffany refocuses, “You know, before I Stripped I was a newbie Pledge. Just like you were last Term.” ¶ “And after you Stripped you Whored,” Boss Babe reverses temporal direction, “And now you Double Opted Up here to the Cosmos House.” ¶ “Right.” Tiffany looks Babs in the eye. ¶ Babs tips her head toward the Picture directly underneath hers on the wall. “So do you think she wears any stainless?” ¶ “Ma’am, how would I know that?” Tiffany postures. ¶ “You mean you don’t recognize your Roommate from two Terms ago?” BB recriminates. ¶ Tiffany flusters, “Oh. Yeah. Well. Yes. Well, of course. Janet. Janet here.” Tiffany tosses her hair. ”But I’m not sure if she’s got rings in her right now. In this Picture. Maybe when we both stripped at the Nugget. Maybe then.” ¶ Tiffany puzzles her eyes. “Ah, Ma’am, how do you know about Janet’s rings?” Tiffany inquires. It’s an inappropriate question, of course, just like all questions are. ¶ “Janet was my Roommate last Term,” Babs explains, “here at the Cosmos House. And together we defeated Penny and Coco. This Term Janet is the Monitor of the Corvettes, and I Monitor here.” ¶ Tiffany hustles, “Ma’am, I really didn’t know what had become of her. And I don’t know what you will allow me to reveal to you!” ¶ “Reveal to me?” Boss Babe {does} know. “Everything: Mind, body, and soul. Understand me?” ¶ “Ma’am, yes, Ma’am,” Tiffany retorts. And uptakes: “Janet saw my Calendar? Ma’am.” ¶ “She did,” BB confirms, again ignoring to discipline Tiffany for asking another question. Babs provides, “We watched you stand by the Bell and wait.” ¶ Tiffany shrugs, “Janet Jintoe. Did she tell you how she got her last name?” ¶ Babs closes her eyes momentarily, considers lying, but slowly admits, “I guess I didn’t know Janet had a last name….” ¶ Tiffany scratches an ear. “Yeah, probably there’s a lot I can tell you about Janet.” ¶ BB frowns. ¶ Tiffany accelerates, “Did she tell you she modeled pictures detailing how her g-string bisects her asshole?” ¶ “What?” Babs startles. “I mean, I know she’s pretty vulgar, like with rings in her thick lips and all, but she was a good Roommate for me last Term.” ¶ “Did she ever show you her Stripper vids collecting juice?” Tiffany wonders. ¶ “I ah,” Babs stammers, “I never thought it was appropriate to impose my eyes to view past transgressions of my Roommate. It never mattered to me. Still doesn’t.” Curiosity overtakes Babs. “But tell me: she did this on Stage at the Nugget? In front of a Crowd?” ¶ Tiffany touches Janet’s Picture and rubs a finger over her hairy crotch. “Janet kept a spoon and collection jar in her jepoot.” Tiffany dips a finger into the front of her slacks. “That pretty much describes Janet.” ¶ “Well, get this straight,” Babs retorts. “Janet is different than I am!” Babs points at Janet’s unashamed eyes, which look out at her from the wall. “Maybe Janet doesn’t care if Gamers shoot pictures of her g-string inside her juicy jepoot. She could have said ‘no,’ but she willfully obliged them! Whereas I would never stand for that. I have some self-dignity.”
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