The Cosmos, The Arrivals, Book 1, Chapter 5, Babs & Tiffany: Dining Room, Backyard Scratch, Bath, Day 1, Section 4, Tiffany Meets the Minxy Mirror: Another Automatron Appendage ¶ Tiffany was a Pledge once upon a time, but she has never Pledged in the Cosmos House, until now. So she must learn about the Minxy Mirror, or simply “Mirror,” which attests to its personality. As a Prop, the Minxy Mirror can reflect or change into a wall-sized Screen, but it is Mirror’s electro-stimulating touch screen that captivates Tiffany almost from the instant she presses her body up against it and starts kissing and rubbing against it. ¶ For the Screen kisses and rubs back. Tiffany, insulated by her clear vinyl croptop and slacks, presses harder, and she feels the tickle back. {I can’t tell what I’m feelingvibration, electricity, thought waves?} Tiffany feels her nipples stimulated: she feels her bare belly make contact with bare skin; her lips want more, and she wettens them with her tongue and carefully lays her lips on the reflective surface, kisses Mirror more passionately. {It’s alive.} Tiffany freshens and spots cameltoe. {It doesn’t matter how it works. Kiss me. Feel my tips. Smell my} tapioca. ¶ Tiffany tries to climax but fears putting her fingers into play upon her tender button. She touches noses with herself and senses something in Mirror restraining her when she tries to race for the top. ¶ When Babs eventually rescues her, who-know-how-long later, Tiffany’s skin is covered with sweat. Babs doesn’t ask her about the experience, and Tiffany decides not to volunteer.
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