With Dakota Charms! I've been looking everywhere for my lost puppy and walk in your house thinking he may be there. You are kind enough to give me a glass of water before I look for him. My sipping turns to slurping and I start panting and barking like a pooch. Floppy ears magically appear and I don't understand that the barks are from me. A doggie face morphs with a big spot on my eyes and I'm tail wagging and pillow humping. Sniffing my surroundings, I find a dog bowl and start lapping water. A squeaking ball, plushie and chew toy entertain me. Chewing and nibbling satisfies my hunting urges playfully while causing me to drool and lick your face. Carrying the leash in my mouth, I'm ready for walking and whimper when denied. I guess I'm your new pet! OTHER KEYWORDS- puppy play, pet play, transformation fantasies, transformation fantasy, transformation fetish, erotic magic, magic control, female training, mental domination, mind fuck, woman following orders, facepainting, roleplaying, role playing, fantasy, fantasies, fetish, kink, brunettes, all natural, non-nude, #Roleplay #Fantasies #Fantasy #Magic #Kink @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX@gmail.com
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