It started out with purchasing a clip out of curiosity and look where you are now. Desperately aching to be completely owned you want nothing more than to be my property. You can't think straight when it comes to me. I shatter any sane, normal, sensible thoughts and penetrate your mind, corrupting it and pushing all those self destruct buttons. You hate to love me, your overwhelming love addiction takes over any kind of feeling. You try your hardest to fight those demons in your head, to walk away and try 'normal' living but your back again with your trousers around your ankle begging to be . Lets face facts, you will always be a Loser. It's the only thing you actually excel at. It's the only thing that makes you jump out of bed every morning to cease the day. It's the the only thing that gets you that grain of attention you are eve so desperate for. You will forever ache for attention and forever be MINE.
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