The last time you and Vallery competed to see who was the most out of shape, you lost bad! Ever since then, you have had to be her slave and do whatever she wants. She's decided to challenge you again today since she can tell you have gained a lot since the last competition and thinks she will easily beat you again. This time she ups the anti, and says that whoever loses this time, has to be the winner's slave indefinitely. What Vallery doesn't seem to realize is that she has gained way more than you, and is horribly out of shape! As she starts to do jumping jacks, squats, and high knees she gets winded fast! Val's in denial and still seems to think that she's a head of you. But when it comes to push ups and sit ups, it all falls a part and Vallery's decline in physical ability is apparent. You've won the competition and now she has to do whatever you say!
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