Q. What do you think about 'MeToo'? Do we need harsher punishments? A: Talk for a bit about how for crime committed with your penis, you get it chopped off Q: What kind of crimes? A: Talk for a bit on each crime and why it's an appropriate punishment: r, cheating, sending dick pics, flashers Q: How would you do it? A: Talk for a bit about each method, all done quick and clean (not drawn out and blody): scissors, meat cleaver, garden shears, mini guillotine, any others you can think of Q: What would you do with it after? A: Different ways you might dispose of it... Q: There's been quite a few famous News cases of it happening haven't there? A: Talk through what happened in the following cases: * Lorena Bobbit * Chinese woman who chopped her husbands penis off twice, for cheating using scissors: https://www.someecards.com/news/double-dick-chop/i-guess-i-have-to-write-this-story-about-this-guy-getting-his-dick-chopped-off-twice-in-one-day/ * Brenda Barrattini - used garden shears, did it because he shared their sex tape: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5009198/woman-cuts-off-boyfriends-penis-shears-cordoba-argentina/ * Catherine Becker (put it in garbage grinder afterwards): www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14131133 At this point you tell me you know why I'm asking all these questions. You know I've been getting off on this... And you are into it. You really want to role play, but you're worried you might not be able to stop yourself actually doing it. You tell me to get my dick out whilst you get a pair of scissors. You ask if I'd ever let you do it for real one day. Because one day, its probably going to happen. You want to do it. And you will. You tell me repeatedly that you're going to do it ("I am going to chop off your penis"), and go back over the different ways you might do it. ******************************************************************* For the second half would your guy be willing to have you hold scissors to the base of his penis whilst you talk, like in the attached photo? And during the question and answer part, could he not speak, with the question unspoken, but with you responding in a way that makes it clear roughly what the question was? I have a bit of a weird thing for hearing the word "chop" (or chopped or chopping) in this context, in phrases like the following: I am going to chop your penis off, with a pair of scissors I will chop off your penis, right at the base Your penis is going to get chopped off You deserve to have your penis chopped off I love the idea of chopping your penis off
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