With Dakota Charms! I have two huge buckets of green slime. You want this sticky slimy dumped all over me and messing up my hair and makeup. It's going to be gross! Cut scene! Do I really have to put this chunky goo all over me? As it's splashed over me, I cringe and am embarrassed. It's disgusting. Ugh, I can't believe I have to get sploshed outdoors for a modeling shoot. Outside, I'm covered in the icky curds and as I'm toweling off, the 2nd bucket surprises me with more green gunge. It's in my hair and my clean towel is ruined. I'm complaining about how it destroyed my outfit and gagging at the taste. Ringing my wet hair, I hope there is nothing more to splash in my ears or eyes. This is the most embarrassing and humiliating modeling job I have ever had and I'm stripping down to my bikini to get the offensive gunk off of me. Looking up, I'm splashed with water and whine about the nasty wetness. OTHER KEYWORDS- wet and messy, wet & messy, wam, wet look, sploshing, gunging, gunge, brat girls, princess, cock tease, dirty talking, humiliation, roleplaying, role playing, fantasy, fantasies, fetish, kink, brunettes, all natural, non-nude, #WetAndMessy #WetTshirt #Humiliation #Princess #Model @DakotaCharms This was a custom and if you would like your own, please email DakotaCharmsXXX@gmail.com
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