Hi Mercy - if you miss your cute plastic panty (has it become brittle? Common, because Soft-PVC looses softeners constantly). How we use them accelerates this.
Found TPU material that feels & looks almost like Soft-PVC but TPU stays soft: https://www.temu.com/ma-en/ketuoxun-m-634418210839563.html (slight pearly shimmer) - Further bargain: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32997608558.html only they sell 2pcs for ~$12.50 - read all, to get your size (S) - both are for endless pleasure
Mmmmmhh... I'm so excited! I have two Fetishes - PLASTIC PANTS and FEMALE LUST. You combine both in such a hot way, my hard cock is swimming in precum. Thanks very much!
But I thought, spit should be inside the plastic panty - like other lubes - well, reason enough, to make more of that stuff. Hope you do. Thanks again!