MISS ROGUE GIVES A PHYSICAL EXAM TO AN EMPLOYEE!! AFTER CHECKING HIS HEART RATE... SHE SHOVES A FINGER UP HIS ASSHOLE.... AND JERKS ALL THE SPERM OUT OF HIS BALLS!!! Miss Rogue is the President of the Company...and She runs a tight ship!! Upon hiring each employee....She makes them sign a contract, that stipulates they must undergo an annual physical. Today, is Sam's one year anniversary at the Company...and Miss Rogue calls him into Her Office. He had totally forgotten that he had signed such a thing...but She reminds him, that he must submit to a physical exam. He starts looking around the room...expecting to see a Nurse or a Doctor...but Miss Rogue explains that She LIKES to do the physicals Herself!!! Miss Rogue listens to his heart....then She spreads Her legs, and hikes up Her dress to show Her Cunt to him!! As normal....this elevates his heart rate!! All seems normal so far. Miss Rogue then tells him to take his pants off, because She is going to examine his prostate, and make sure his ability to ejaculate is normal. The guy is totally confused and bewildered....but Miss Rogue constantly reminds him that She is the Boss...and She can do whatever She wants!! Miss Rogue puts on a rubber glove....lubes it up...and inserts a finger up into his rectum.....and then proceeds to Milk his semen out with the other hand!! When he has ejaculated all over himself....he is dismissed.....and Miss Rogue calls The Personnel Manager to report that "Sam's prostate appears normal". OUCH!!! Rough day at The Office.....
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