Sarah Jane & Leia Organa - Scarlet’s Revenge Fucking hell things are pretty bad in the nerd house hold. Scarlet and I if i’m honest are not getting on. Well i’m alright but for some reason she seems fed up with me. Now I am not the one who’s changed I’m exactly like I was before, she just seems to be fed up with the way I treat people or so she keeps saying. Well whats up with the way I treat people? I am good to them I treat them to my nerd cock, now how is that not nice. She sort of had a thing against my mission to bone as many chicks as I can, anyway I can since we first met, maybe its because she's my lodger and we are in each other’s hair all day long I don't know. However she is really touchy and claims I put on her and don’t give her enough notice for shoots. Well I don’t always know when some fucking sexy hot bitch is going to come into my life do I? I haven’t got a fucking crystal ball. Well this time Scarlet has gone too fucking far and I’m not happy. She has only gone and arranged to meet up with Sarah Jane while she's in town and not told me. Remember Sarah she visits the area when she has a ganging party on, which I can never seem to get on one as they always booked out early. Well Sarah had a new girl with her who wanted to do porn, in fact she runs the hotel that Sarah was staying at. Did they invite me? Did they fuck, Scarlet sneaked out with her video camera and never told me. The next day I go in my office and there this DVD on my desk saying play me, so I stick it on thinking it maybe some amazing fucking porn and its Scarlet with a message for me. She only went and filmed a girl-girl scene with Sarah and her friend without me being there. Fucking bitch, she took great pleasure in doing that and even said to the camera that I’m not here to enjoy it. Almost as if she wanted to get her own back on me for some reason, but why I don’t know. She filmed a horny girl-girl scene, it has kissing, fucking tit sucking, fucking pussy eating and fucking Scarlet knows I’d go in between them if I was there, in fact she knows how much I like Sarah’s tits and how I like to stuff them in my mouth. It was so horny watching them eat each other out and get off on it, I’d of sat there and had a wank over this and might still do once I’ve calmed down about it. Wait till I see Scarlet about this, she won’t know whats hit her. I’m gonna try and arrange for them to come back so they can both jump on my dick, God women can be bitches sometimes.
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