MessyHot model Ainsley St Claire does a sploshing shoot themed after one of her favorite characters, Harley Quinn. After a little bit of catching up, Ainsley strips down keeping her sexy boots and knee-high socks on for the mess making. We decide to start with her facing us this time and she sits directly in the cake and we get a slow motion replay. The mess making gets underway as she coats her body in the chocolate cake and brightly colored frosting. We get some amazing views from in front and below as she makes sure nearly every inch of her body is covered. We get her mouth all nice and covered in corn syrup then a slow motion shot of her pouring the red white and blue sprinkles over her face. Getting to work with whipped cream, we get complete coverage with it too. Sprinkles and cherries are up next adding some red to the action and she then mashes up and crushes the cherries with her hands squishing them extra good. We next make a big whipped cream pile on her ass which she smacks and we catch exploding in slow motion (see preview.) The mess making continues with more sprinkles and frosting, this time over her ass and with more slow motion. She sprays herself off with some sparkling grape juice and we catch it spraying her in the face in slowmo too. My favorite part comes next where she gets on her knees and I get to pelt he ass with cupcakes, even catching one of those in slowmo too including one that lands smack dab in between her ass-cheeks! We give her a pie to the face and then wrap up with a condensed milk facial
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