A tiny village of people are driven from their homes due to the freezing cold that winter has brought upon them. In their search for shelter, they find themselves outside the door of a giant dwelling. Having no other option, they decide to ask the inhabitant of this dwelling, a large and beautiful giantess, for help. The giantess eagerly invites them to stay with her. She promises to protect them, to care for them and to feed them. On their first day there, she says some things that could be seen as suspicious. How she has had tons of tiny visitors before this village, but they have all moved on to a warmer, humid, but more comfortable place. How she is always hungry. How she wants to plump them up. But, being so grateful for the shelter, these remarks go unnoticed by the tiny people. But then, people start mysteriously disappearing. One night, a group of tinies are woken up and tricked into going into the giantess's room. Once there, she reveals the surprise she has in store for them. She is going to eat them! This giantess, their caretaker, their savior, has been eating the other villagers! The giantess teases these tinies. Toying with them with her tongue and describing how it will be like when they are digesting within her massive gut. When she gets to the last of this tiny group, she places him on her stomach so that he can feel her huge stomach bouncing up and down as his friends struggle within her belly in a futile attempt to escape digestion, before devouring him as well. The tiny's numbers dwindle down to hardly anything. The remaining tinies form a group and go to the giantess's room where they catch her eating one of their fellow villagers! Unable to deny what she has been doing, she owns up to it. Her attitude changes and becomes sinister. She is going to eat the rest of them as her Christmas feast, something she had been planning on doing from the start anyway. The giantess makes the leader of the village to watch as she eats the rest of his followers, who he failed to protect. She sways her stomach around, entrancing him with the sight of it and the gurgling, rumbling sound of the tinies getting broken down and absorbed into her body. Then, without hardly any resistance, she gobbles down the leader. And with that, another tiny village has fallen at the hands, or rather, the stomach, of a giantess. **belly centered vore with up close belly shots, lots of digestion talk, no disposal talk, up close mouth shots and added tummy sound effects** **this was a custom video, message me to get your own**
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