The Cosmos, The Arrivals, Book 1, Chapter 6, Robyn: Thin Maillot • Small Hole • Lost Memory, Day 1, Section 3, Robyn: Studies Four Dining Room Pictures ¶ No one there. Robyn scans quickly. A table and eight chairs, windows and a dark Screen to her left, and windows at the opposite end which provide a glimpse of the Backyard, with its Mudpit and Bell outside. She does not compute that the Kitchen lies through the next door, or that the Bunkroom sits directly above. ¶ The four Dining Room Pictures immediately attract Robyn’s attention. The confident one breaks her pace and draws up tall in front of them to examine the former Cosmos Pledge hanging on the Dining Room wall. ¶ I recognize them. Robyn tosses her hair back off her shoulder. But I’m not sure I’ve ever met them before. ¶ Nametags identify all four Pictures. Robyn looks bemused at Babs’ Black Bikini: navelage 24x7, areolage and hairage to boot. Robyn chortles at Janet’s crochet open-mesh, pretty much see-it-all Spiderweb Bikini, but it is Penny and Coco who garner her attention. She bends over to survey the humiliations of the two naked and spread Baseboard Strippers. Robyn licks her lips and more closely considers the two pairs of pussy lips uplifted toward her face. ¶ “Oooh,” she disses the Pictures out loud. “Shaven slits, each with a little patch of butched pussy hair trimmed into a heart shape. How banal.” Penny pulls wings to open a pool of pudding; Coco’s tongue hangs out of her mouth, and one finger caresses her clit with fresh curdle. Good riddance. Robyn forms her nose like she smells bad things. She pronounces, “Whoever you are, Penny and Coco, you deserve to be Strippers. And maybe next Term you two cock teasers will make Whores.” ¶ Robyn scans the images of Babs and Janet again and augments her thoughts. “And maybe one of you still needs to dance and Strip.” ¶ But enough of the memory joggle; Robyn swings into the Kitchen.
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