In this video you have shrunken yourself down for fun to hide from your step-sister. She is always so boring so you like to play tricks on her. You are in your room waiting for her to come home so you can surprise her. She'll never believe that you were able to shrink yourself down to only an inch tall! When she finally arrives home she casually strolls into your room looking for you. She must have just come from a run as she is dressed in her workout clothes. She has no idea that you are right below her standing waist-high in the carpeted floor. From your perspective her foot steps shake the foundation of the floor and before you can react she takes a giant step towards you. One of her enormous running shoes swooshes over your head as she moves to sit on your bed. That was close! You think to yourself. You stare up towards her on your bed and you begin to think that maybe you didn't think this all the way through. How will you ever get her attention? You begin to think about how you will get her attention when you hear her say how sore her feet are and she begins to remove her shoes right over your tiny head! She fumbles them off and they land in front of you. The cavernous openings of the shoes are huge and you can feel the heat emitting from inside them and from her socked feet that have now fallen on either side of you. Okay this isn't funny anymore you think. You are just about to make a run for the doorway to get away from your Step-Sister's feet when you hear a booming voice from above you. "There you are!" Your Step-Sister says with a grin. "Come here." She picks you up and brings you close to her face. "It's about time we put you to good use." What you thought would be a funny joke turns out to be something all together different and as she pulls off her socks you realize that she has plans for you. This video contains 3rd person views using a tiny figurine and some POV views. It also contains some music, sound effects and camera shakes. This was a custom video.
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