I burn ALL my clothes and 2 pairs of sneakers, and have to walk back to my car naked and barefoot! I start by finding a good place to make a fire, outdoors near public road, where I parked my car. I strip naked and start burning my grey Nike sneakers, while still wearing my red Converse sneakers. The fire gets big and makes lot of dark smoke, which makes me very nervious that somebody might see it and come check what´s going on, and find me naked! I also realize too late my fire is right next to railroad, where trains go by and see me naked by the fire! I throw the Converse sneakers into the fire and watch them burn... But now I have to walk back to my car totally naked and barefoot without anything to put on, and there´s people in the road, where I parked!! I come back to put out the fire safely when all the shoes have totally burned! This is my second video burning my clothes outdoors! 4K UltraHd, Hd 1080 version available.
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