Don’t give a FUCK about your wife, your girlfriend, or whoever the fuck you lay next to at night. The only thing I care about? Is controlling and RUINING your life if I don’t get what I want. As quick as I can snap my finger, your life can be done... All those dirty pictures and videos you’ve sent me can be sent right to your boss and WIFE. I’ll tell every bit of your personal information allll over my social media’s where THOUSANDS of people follow and goon. Everyone laughing and sharing your humiliating life. The moment you try to get away... you’ll regret it. Do you really think you can tell me no? Ha cute but never going to happen. You’re stuck. Have no choice but to do as I say OR ELSE. That sweet little house of yours and that partner will go BYE BYE. I’m better, hotter, and have wayyy more control over you than she does. LEAVE HER and come worship me. Don’t you want to be my good bitch?
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