To all aspiring new paypig sissy slaves! Don't think I haven't noticed you creeping on me. Spying on my streams, sending doing anything to be teased and pleased by me. ALWAYS paying doing exactly as I say. If you're well behaved and trained, then you tribute without me even commanding you. I already know I have exactly what you need to be teased trained and pleased. And you're well aware you're NOT worthy! Now I want you on your fucking knees, worshiping this amazing slave training JOI Cum Countdown. You will learn, memorize and live by your findoms five commandments. If you break any of them it will be the biggest mistake you ever made. So I suggest you pay attention, until you EatSleep and breath your mistress slave owners commandments! You might just be rewarded with a cum countdown for that pathetic dick, that is only after you prove your servitude and devotion for me. By spending and beating off ONLY to me! Now on your fucking knees piggy, time to learn the five commandments with me. Well have you drained and trained into a well behaved worshiping slave without you even realizing it! Worshiping me will be second nature for you. The sooner you realize your sole purpose is worshiping me, the sooner your life begins to have meaning! I night just bless you with a cum countdown if you live and engrave these five commandments into your loser brain!
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