A decade. That's how long you tiny fucks have been screwing around in my life. I've moved FOUR times since then and you never seem to leave me alone. Well, after finding the last unlucky fucker I've decided to strike back. After loudly informing the minuscule chump of my intentions to make his (and any other tiny perverts listening!) life hell...however short the remainder of that may be. I pick up the tiny pervert & drop him careless into my sock. Oh, aren't you lucky - I'm gonna stomp the life out of you with my giant, beautiful feet! I slip into my socks, throw on my shoes & decide for good measure (it is a bit chilly outside) to throw on some pants & then we're off to take out the trash...and I don't just mean your sad, smashed body rolled around in my boots! I stomp and trudge up and down the driveway, wheeling in our bins as I talk about what a nuisance you've been & how happy I am to hear your tiny bones snap and pop as I do my chores.
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