Well, hello there! Happy 2021! It's so exciting, isn't it? New year, new opportunity to be a new you... Oh, come on, why do you look so discouraged? What do you mean there's no hope for you? Of course there is! Sure, there are lots of things in life over which you have no control: your height, your dick size.... But there are also things over which you do have control, like, your health and cleanliness. Oh yes you do! In fact, I think that health and cleanliness are even more important than most people realize. And, I think, that if you focus on being cleaner and healthier, this will finally be the year that you earn that Girlfriend you've been desiring. So, no more moping around feeling sorry for yourself. Get up, and follow My instructions. And, yes, you are going to be eating your cum for Me. But, actually, you're going to be eating your cum for you, because it is by the change in the taste of your cum that you are going to track your progress in becoming the man who deserves the Woman... you do want to be that man, don't you?
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