Welcome to the Formula 1 Experience! I know you must be very excited since you are the first civilian who has been able to experience Formula 1. I will be guiding your participation today so you can trust in Me that I will ensure the best time. Now, I just need you to sign a few medical forms and answer a couple of background questions. I know they are a bit odd but have you ever had a homosexual desire? oh nevermind, I'm too excited let's just hop right into the private back room and start your experience. I'll introduce you to the worlds first aroma based product that can make the user thing or feel whatever the giver chooses! Oh, you thought Formula 1 was the race car? haha that is funny, we actually hear that a lot but the only racing you'll be doing to day will be in your head. I might have popped some Alpha cocks into your mind with your first sniff. Don't worry though, it's only going to get more and more intense. You'll be gooning for hours on this trip. Take another deep breath for Me! Good boy. Strap in racers and breathe deeply for Me... your Formula 1 experience is just kicking in!
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