Experiment 7 is ready to be cleaned out for a proper inspection. I’m going to use my favorite enema – a double bardex. It has two inflatable chambers. I pump up the chambers to their full size and show him. They are very large. He seems nervous. I’ll slide the first bulb in and fully inflate it. Then, the second bulb gets inflated and will sit right outside his anus to prevent him from releasing any of the water. I deflate the bulbs and coat them in lubricant before inserting them into Experiment 7’s ass. They slide in so easily. The first chamber slides in and the second chamber is nestled against his asshole. I start inflating the inside bulb. His cock seems to harden with every pump. The inside bulb is growing rather large and I can feel the outside bulb getting pulled inside so I start inflating that one, too, to prevent that from happening. Now that both bulbs are inflated, I start letting the water flow into him. There’s a lot of water and he’s going to start feeling quite uncomfortable very soon. A lot of water has flowed in now and it must feel very large inside of him. I decide to pump the inner bulb a little more to make it larger. He mumbles something incomprehensible in protest but I know what’s best for him. Inflating the bulb even more will make his ass even bigger and allow the water to flow in quicker. I can tell he is getting uncomfortable. I deflate both of the bulbs briefly and he seems to relax a little but I pump them right back up again. Those bulbs and all that water inside of him must be taking up a lot of space. I catch him looking at the water going down. There’s still quite a lot to go, though. Perhaps I can distract him by touching his cock. I remind him to relax and breathe deeply whilst I stroke his cock. He becomes more and more aroused whilst the last few drops of water flow inside him. The contractions of his ass will help pull the water deep inside of him – fully cleansing him. Now that all the water’s gone I want to see how long he can hold it. Expressing some discomfort, he asks if he can let it go right away. I agree to this. I slowly release the bulbs and remove them from his ass then instruct him to go to the restroom to release the water. A thorough cleaning.
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