Featuring Aubrey Stuffed Mouth, PVC Clear Cleave Gag , Tegaderm Tape Gag , Gag talk Gag 1 Aubrey is caught and is about to get her big mouth stuffed and gagged. She gets her mouth stuffed with a pair of big blue socks packed together and clear PVC tape wrapped around as a tight cleave gag. Aubrey now incapable to speak makes a lot of protesting muffled gag talk sounds and goes full Damsel in Distress mode. There is no way she can get this gag off or the stuffing out. She has to keep up the MMMMPHING and calling for help till her capturer decides to take the gag off... Gag 2 Aubrey's gag isn't taken off by her capturer he leaves the tight PVC tape gag around her face and applies a piece of tegaderm tape over it. Aubrey's mouth is now fully packed and closed up with two types of tape. She can only MMMMMPPHH with zero chance that the tape will come off... Aubrey tries to speak as much as possible begging to let her go and gets a little angry in doing so. Her capturer finally decides to take off her sticky tape gags and leave her tied to the chair.
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