Featuring Stardust Stuffed Mouth, Tegaderm Tape Gag , Gag talk Intro Stardust is new to GagAttack and she has to undergo two gags as a introduction to the GagAttack establishment Gag 1 Stardust is tied with her hands behind her back and more then ready for her first gag. She gets stuffed with a white ankle sock and a piece of Tegaderm tape is put over it to keep it all in. At start she needs to adjust to the very thin clear tape and laughs trough the gag because of the strange feeling. After a while Stardust is used to it and starts gag talking while trying to move her lips open but the very adhesive tape prevents to do so for the biggest part. She gag talks a lot to you before her gag is taken off. Gag 2 Now it's time for a much bigger stuffed gag for Stardust. There are two white ankle socks stuffed inside her mouth with a big piece of tegaderm tape to keep it in. Stardust is now seriously gagged so no laughing anymore. She gag talks a lot making a lot of muffled gag talk sounds and MMMMPPHING the whole time. Stardust has a hard time talking trough this very stuffed gag. After a while her gag is taken off and the socks are taken out and she is done (For now)
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