Halt, Ritaliner! You thought you could get away with stealing Ritalin from schoolchildren? Think again! Your plans have once again been foiled by The Pink Phantom (Valora)! As The Pink Phantom begins to fight you, you pull out your new secret weapon, a remote that removes clothes and controls minds. First, you use it lightly to tease your nemesis by making her top pull down a few times. The Pink Phantom is getting pretty annoyed but is still willing to fight. You then remove her top completely. She tries to use her cape to cover up with you make that disappear as well. You laugh as TPP gets more and more frustrated. Next comes her tiny g-string. Suddenly, TPP is left in nothing but her gloves, thigh highs and mask. With the push of a button you make her confess her longing, secret desire to fuck you. She tells you how she masturbates after every battle she has with you then she proceeds to spank herself, begging you to punish her. TPP quickly snaps out of it and is so over this battle and ready to retreat. You allow her to have her cape back and let her leave defeated. You beat your enemy and got to keep the Ritalin! Hooray!
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