It’s been a whole 9 months since Frankie & penny last done a weigh in video!! Frankies weight has fluctuated over the 9 months but at this point in time is at her heaviest. She’s hasn’t weighed herself in a while because she can already see how much weight she’s gained just by looking in the mirror. She’s absolutely dreading stepping on these scales! Penny on the other hand isn’t sure how much she’s weighs as again hasn’t weighed herself in a long time. Penny gets naked to step on the scales... whilst Frankie is in a sports bra & trousers. You can see their bellies & see how much weight you think they’ve put on. January is always a hard month with weight especially after all the Christmas foods!! The girls take it in turns to get on the scales... then give you a close up of the scales too so you can see the whole thing.
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