I think the best part of having long, beautiful hair is getting to brush it and play with it :D I haven't gotten a haircut in over a year now, but I've been taking care of my hair and I think it's in the best health it's ever been in. It's also the longest I have ever had it! First I brush my long, red hair. My hairbrush glides right through my hair, I have very few knots. Not only is my hair long it is also very thick so I take my time brushing making sure to get through it all. I also love to run my hands through it and toss my hair all around me so I do this quite a bit too. I spray it with some dry shampoo before I then comb my hair. The comb doesn't get through my hair as easily as the brush at first but after I comb it a bit the comb goes right through it all. My hair looks so healthy and shiny. I love my long, beautiful hair!
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