Hey, thanks for meeting me here. I know it was a little strange for me to ask you to my hotel. I just wanted to reconnect. It's been so long since I've seen you! Did you miss me? NO? Well.. that's to be expected, I suppose. I hear you're engaged now.... to that.... flat-chested girl, right? Hmm... Well, it's a shame really. I came here hoping I could.... bring you up to my room and we could reminisce a little more intimately. But... You probably wouldn't want to get WRAPPED UP in something like that, would you? Then again... you're only a free man for so long. Besides. Who's to say your fiancé doesn't get an anonymous DM about your previous sexcipades? Hmm? Ooooh. Am I blackmailing you? Judging by the looks of it, I don't have to.
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