I've been keeping a secret all night; I didn't wear any panties and I have a butt plug in! I would really love if you would fuck my ass and fill it with cum. I pull my dress off and my butt plug out. Fuck your dick feels so good inside my asshole. You grab my hips and use my asshole from behind. After a while, I move onto my back so I can watch you breed my ass. Doesn't my pussy look so pretty while you stretch my asshole out? I touch my clit while you fuck me harder and deeper. I want you to fill my ass with so much cum. We both orgasm at the same time. The pulsing of my asshole causes you to blow every last drop of your load deep inside of me. Tags: ellierowyn, ass, ass fetish, asshole, asshole fetish, ass spreading, anal, pov anal, pov sex, feet, foot fetish, hairy, hairy bush, butt plug, redhead, tattoos, tattooed
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