I’ve called you here, my tiny, to help me try on some new panties. I want your opinion on which you like the most. To do so I need to give you up close looks at them. What better way to do that than to stick you in each pair. I try on 3 pairs of panties. With each I slide you into them with me. Smooshing you up against my giant pussy, then nestling you into my huge ass crack. Not only do I stick you inside my panties, but I also shake and clap my fat ass cheeks with you in between. I need you to get the full experience of each pair. You must make an informed decision. Tags: tiny man, size fetish, ass, Bbw giantess, big butt, ass shaking, ass tease, tattoos, big legs , cellulite, fat , ass smelling, crush, female domination, brunette, goddess, fat pussy , hairy pussy, lace, thong
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