Lockdown has required people to reduce social contact, and spend a lot more time isolated at home. For you, this was more of an affirmation. You were already spending a lot of time socially distancing before the pandemic even started. In fact, lockdown made it easier for you to be who you truly are. You were made to social distance. I mean, who the fuck would want to be socially close to you? I sure as fuck wouldn’t. So really, there’s a silver lining in all this. You aren’t out in the world, bothering women, or wasting people’s time by trying to interact with them. And now that the end is on the horizon, it’s important for you to keep that in mind. Other people are going to resume their normal social lives. They’re going to spend time with friends, they’re going to go out, and they’re going to hook up with each other. As you see people doing this around you, I want you to remember something. Your presence in the social scene is a burden. In all honesty, it would be much better if you just didn’t try to participate. No, I think you should accept what’s been presented to you. Get used to your normal, and accept that you can’t go back.
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