ITALIAN LANGUAGE / VIDEO IN LINGUA ITALIANA (ITA - ITALIANO) Come here worm, yes.. you are a worm. Today for you will be a bad day, because I want destroy your balls! Can you see my boots? Yes? Oh, you will be on the floor, so close to them, because my kicks are so painful for you! Come here and open your legs.. are you ready? -- Vieni qui lurido, si', un lurido, ecco cosa sei. Oggi per te sara' una brutta giornata, e sai perche'? Perche' ho voglia di distruggerti le palle! Li vedi i miei stivaloni? Si? A breve sarai li', molto vicino a loro, perche' sto per massacrarti le palle, e tu cadrai a terra come un sacco di patate! Vieni qui, apri le gambe e.. sei pronto? -- Info, requests and more.. contact me! You can see my email address on the top of the page (if you can't see it, click on 'Show all clips' and then you can see it on the top of the page).
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