You have one job and that is to keep your grades up. I have cam into you room a couple of times and talked to you about this. I am going to have no choice but to tell your d@d about this. My words seem to be falling on def ears and I am not getting anywhere with you. Are you even listening me? I could swear that you are peering down my blouse trying to look at my tits! What are we going to do about your grades? You need to be ale to focus… are you listening to me?? >snap< My eyes are up here. Okay fine… since you want to look at my breasts so badly. Here. Are you happy now. Are they what you hoped for? I would assume so since you suddenly got a boner for step-mommy. I have a solution that I think would York for both of us actually. We will start by you unzipping your pants and having you reach down and grab you dick. Things will not stop there. This will help you focus better… trust me…
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