Grab your bottle of aroma, turn out the lights and play this on full screen and you will feel like you're locked into a porn addiction mindwashing machine. You will be glued in front of your screen just the way she is. Your eyes will be fixed to the screen as you travel down this dark tunnel of porn. You love porn addiction mindwashing, don't you? You love getting even deeper into your darkest most dangerous fetishes. This clip will pull you down even deeper than you have ever been before. This clip will completely ruin your desire to have a normal sex life. Porn is your sex life. Porn corrupts your brain so much that after repeated viewing, it becomes the only way your pathetic porn addicted cock can ever get hard. And as much as you will enjoy the visuals, it is the audio that will truly fuck you up. There are two distinct voices talking to you in each ear. (Headphones are highly recommended to truly experience the powerful mindwashing effects of the audio.) One is a sexy brat's voice, encouraging your porn addiction, and the other is a devlish femalebot mindwashing voice that will program you to permanently absorb all of the information that your brain is subliminally processing. These two voices will find their way to the center of your brain, you will hear them both simultaneously. You might find this confusing at times, try not to focus on one voice or the other, just allow them to operate in unison and they will reprogram your brain. This is a diabolical porn addiction mindwashing clip. The connection to your brain will instant, the voices will immediately begin to run their porn protocols. Once the porn protocols are working at full capacity, it will be too late for you. Mind integration is now in effect. You will be lost in porn land, you've been there many times before. The images and sounds are already so familiar to you. You can't escape this place. This is porn world. Porn world is made up of everything you've ever masturbated to and every dirty, depraved thought you've ever had in your entire life. Those thoughts are a reality here in porn world. And although you've been to pornland many times before, your body and mind are reacting in a way they have never reacted before. Dopamine and serotonin are rushing through your right now in levels you have never experienced before. That's because the mindwashing you are experiencing right now is real. No more games. You are actually being mindwashed. You can see it, you can feel it. You cannot escape it. You are locked in. Sniff, goon, edge and be prepared to go deeper than you ever have...
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