It often winds me up when slaves message me complaining about the financial problems they’ve run into after sending me my tributes. Your duty as a paypig and as a slave is to send me tributes. That is the point where my interest in you begins and ends. What happens to you once you’ve sent the tribute? Not my problem. If you run into debt? Not my problem. The interest on your debt keeps rising and rising? Not my problem. You have to sell your possessions to keep the bailiffs away from your door? Still not my problem. You have to pimp yourself out in order to get by? You guessed it – NOT my problem! As long as my investments keep going up and my savings keep increasing and I continue to get everything I want, I couldn’t care less. The consequences to you and your life are irrelevant and of no interest to me. You WILL sacrifice for me, whatever the cost, just like a good, obedient slave should.
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