I’m in my apartment and my bladder is full to bursting point ;) I’m wearing a black t-shirt, a black shirt over the top, a tight pair of grey jeans, and on my cute little feet I have on my white high top sneakers. As I stand in the middle of the living room, I squirm around and rock from one foot to the other because I’m so desperate to empty my load :D I hold on as long as I can, but in the end it all becomes too much and a warm jet spills out into my jeans and runs down the sides of my legs! The light grey colour of the jeans really shows up the wet stains, and when I turn around, you can see that the area around my bum and the backs of my legs are completely drenched as well! I strike some cheeky poses to show off how wet I am, and I savour the squelching sensation coming from my sneakers, which have caught the liquid flowing out of the bottom of my jeans :D After a little time has passed, and my jeans have partially dried, I empty my bladder for the second time, spraying another warm release into my denim! I get a huge thrill from knowing that this second layer of moisture is mixing with the leftovers from the first wetting, and the jeans are now feeling extremely clingy and tight! Am I cheeky enough to go for a third wetting, and really put this pair of jeans through their paces? You bet I am! Except this time, when I have finished, I decide to naughtily smear whipped cream all over my soggy crotch and pert little bum! Sometimes I just get these urges…tune into the video to see exactly what happens ;)
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