It obviously pleases me when my subs purchase my clips. I suppose that goes without saying. Orders of 1-2 clips are fine. I understand. But you know what really makes me happy? Larger purchases, obviously. Orders of 10 or more clips. Orders of $1000 or more. That’s what really gets me excited. When I see smaller orders, I know it’s just a matter of time, too. I know that once the buyer gets a taste, there’s very little chance that it’ll be the last I see of him. No, the first clip is pretty much always a gateway to more. So, maybe you should just cut out the hesitation. Thinking of buying this clip? I have hundreds of others. Add more to your cart. Don’t fuck around. Get your total into three or four figures. Buy my old clips. Buy my new clips. Are you approaching your credit limit? If you’re not, then you haven’t bought enough. Abandon your reticence. Please me with a clip binge.
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