Jasmine Lau - Porn Star Finger Fucking Well there comes a time when your balls are so full, your fake casting call adverts aren't catching any gullible sluts, so there’s only one thing left to do. Go through your home DVD porn collection and see if there are any porn stars in them that are still working and who you have wanked over so many times, the next thing to do is fuck them. Yep I was going to treat myself to a porn star of course. I didn’t get a chance however as Scarlet had an email from Jasmine Lau who had seen one of my adverts and wanted to work in the US as she had covered all of the UK and this was the next step in her career. So I got her round and then had to convince her, a very experienced porn star that she had to fuck me on tape for free to break into the US. Always touch and go when they know what they are doing, but you know me I tried my luck anyway, how could I not it was fucking Jasmine Lau for fucks sake. Keep watching to find out what happens guys.
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