SOPHIA IS A FIRST DATE FACE SITTER!! AFTER DINNER AND A MOVIE... SHE HIKES UP HER DRESS AND SITS DOWN ON THE GUY'S FACE... THEN SHE GIVES A GOODNIGHT JERK!!! Sophia and Her Date are back home after dinner and a movie. It's a school day tomorrow.....so She needs to bring the Date to a close...so Sophia breaks the news to Her Date...that She is a ....First Date Face Sitter!! The boy is confused....but Sophia explains...."Hey....you asked me out...bought me dinner....it's only right that I Sit On Your Face". Sophia takes off Her panties....hikes up Her dress.....and sits down on the boy's face. The lucky guy gets to enjoy Sophia's YOUNG Cunt & YOUNG asshole while She checks texts on Her phone. After a good wet, and sloppy Face Sitting, Sophia gives him a goodnight Jerk...making him cum all over himself.....then the Date is officially over....
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