"Concept: You come home to find your roommate has somehow shrunk to ant size. At first you don't see me - stepping perilously close with your massive bare feet. You spot something near your toe and think it's a tiny bug - raising your sole over me before taking a closer look. You realize it's your tiny roommate and are absolutely fascinated - holding me up close to your face and inspecting me with amazement. My pleas for help sound like tiny squeaks so you disregard them. Soon you become consumed with the profound control you have over me and get overcome with power lust. The more you look down at me as a bug under your massive toes, the harder it is for you to consider me a human being. You also like the idea of having the whole place to yourself. Then I am no longer your roommate - I am just an insect to you and my life/feelings matter accordingly. You use me as your tiny plaything - tormenting me at your whim until your finally crush me under your bare soles. Requested Scenes: After initial discovery/inspection, threaten to turn me into your tiny snack - dangling me over your massive open mouth and pretending to drop me down between your lips and into your belly. Talk about how easily you could swallow me down and absorb me into your goddess body. Scene where you sit up above with your leg crossed so the bare sole of your crossed leg/foot hovers over me as you look down at me on the floor. You mock my tiny existence as you lose respect for your roommate now turned worthless bug. End with extended tower/crush scene where you stand directly above me and threaten to end me under your bare soles. You hover your soles over me as you peer down at me between your toes - slowly lowering the ball of your foot and grinding down me as you enjoy my torment from above. I LOVE that angle where I can look up between your long toes and see you smirking down at me as you are smashing into the floor. Finally it's too much and I succumb to your weight - becoming nothing more than a tiny stain on your sole."
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