Hello there, weak feeble male. So glad to see you here watching this financial domination clip as it’s exactly where you belong. Over hundreds and thousands of years, men have treated women awfully, but now the tables are turning. And you, as a male, have a DUTY, to repay all of the bad things men have done to women. I couldn’t care less that you weren’t responsible for what happened, you and all other men WILL PAY! You see, men have always tried to control women’s finances, there were even times when women weren’t allowed to have jobs. And now, you kneel on the floor like a desperate little bitch, BEGGING me to take your money. Grovelling, begging, paying like a snivelling little mess, all to get a few crumbs of my attention. This is how it will always be from now, it’s time for reparations.
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