THE dumbest audio I have made for you losers yet! I am humiliating you by talking to you like you are a wittle dumbass regressed dipey loser. Ultra dumb and you will LOVE it. I use that VOICE, soooo mocking: "Losers need encouragement and sometimes you have to be treated "like a wittle dumbass bb, hahaha, to really DO what you're supposed to DO-and you know what it is that I want you to do: make a smelly in your dipey. And if I have to talk to you like the dumbass wittleBB you are? That's what I'll do, LOSER! And I know it is making your dumb little dicklet twitch under your BBdiaper, but I am still gonna treat you like the dumb little BBloser you are-who needs to make a stinky in its dipey...IF you're gonna wear one. That's right, you're gonna make a mess in your diaper for me. and I know the types of things you need to hear, loser. So I'm gonna put it in your head cuz you're gonna GO for me. Can't you just IMAGINE all the things I say to you when you finally make a stinkey in your wittle diaper? I think I smell a stinky right now! Did the wittle bb go stinky in its dipey? USE IT FOR ME! Stink up your huggies. you're wearing the diaper right. loser? I wanna see if BB gonna make a mess...WOW you really make a LOAD in there.. wittle mister just sht his diaper! How gross, you made a big stink, didn't you mister (sniffs) what's that I smell? Is wittle mister stinkin' up his huggies? Dirty little shtpantsed BB, that's what bblosers DO, sht their dipey...and you did." There is NO MUSIC in the background but there are light voice effects throughout to enhance this audio. This video was a special request from one of my loser crew. he LOVES a mocking "talk down" and told me his fave trigger phrases. I took the overall core of them and made THIS audio. soooooo stupid, you'll see. *Look for the file called "Regressed Loser Triggers" to hear MORE of his fave triggers list. This file is audio only. In order to post it on this site I attached a thumbnail to it and uploaded it as a "video." This is purely so my fans on MV can enjoy this content too!
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