So Clay was visiting so I got him to blow some balloons. He is blowing one up and puffing his cheeks....oh wait. Cut! Clay you need to blow them up and pop them. He's never popped a balloon before. WOOHOO! We are popping his balloon cherry. He was afraid it was going to explode in his face. I told him he doesn't need to worrry. It's kind of loud but the balloon pops outward. So he starts blowing one up bigger....and bigger...and bigger. He's kind of closing his eyes anticipating the pop. He's blowing it more and more and POP! He looks at me and nods and smiles. See? It didn't explode in your face. Hahaha! He grabs another balloon. He blows it up. It keeps getting bigger. It's gotta pop eventually. He takes it out his mouth as he's having a harder time blowing it up because it's so full. Then he puts it back in his mouth POP! It popped.
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